Cold and flu season is just around the corner or in some places has already hit!
I hate being sick (I know I am not the only one), but I also hate seeing Monte sick. Having sick kids is no fun! It’s especially hard when they cannot really communicate what the problem is, but you just know there is an issue.
I am not a fan of the flu shot, which I will not get into details and a debate about, but I do not find the flu shot worth it.
I believe to stay healthy we need to do more natural things like live a healthy lifestyle! Yes, I know it’s hard this time of year. We start off with Halloween, loads of candy. Then comes Thanksgiving where we fill our bellies so full we cannot move. Then comes the Holiday season with baked goods, candy, sugar, more sugar and more baked goods! Of course, it’s also cold, dark and dreary outside. No one wants to get up and move and we all want comfort food.
We need to remember that what we eat fuels our body, so having these not so healthy items every once in awhile is okay, but we need to make sure we eat plenty of fruits, veggies, good fats, proteins, etc. We also need to get up and MOVE! If we exercise we will just feel better and it will allow us to make healthier choices.
I saw this picture posted on Facebook and it pretty much sums it up! LOVE IT!
Anyways, where I was going with this post is Elderberry Syrup! Have you ever heard of it?! I had not heard of it until recently and I am super excited about it!
This is something you can take as prevention from getting a cold or flu. It’s also something to have on hand when you are sick.
There are recipes all over Pinterest. I chose to follow this recipe. Here is what I did …
- Place 1/2 cup elderberries, 3 cups distilled water, 1 cinnamon sticks, and 1/2 Tablespoons in pot and bring to boil.
- Once boiling, turn down heat and let simmer 20-30 minutes
- Take off burner and let cool
- Strain through cheesecloth and discard the berries and cinnamon stick
- Add 1 cup – 1 1/2 cup raw local honey. Stir.
- Store in mason jar, in refrigerator
This can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. Take 1 Tablespoon a day as preventative. If you feel like you are getting sick or achy, take several times through out the day.
Along with taking Elderberry syrup I also …
1. Take Emergen – C Vitamin C packets! I will take about every 4 hours
2. Remember my post about the essential oil Thieves? Well, here is another awesome use for Thieves! If you have a sore throat, take a spoonful of raw local honey, add a drop of Thieves, and swallow! You can also rub Thieves on your throat. Make sure to use a carrier such as coconut oil.
3. Hot water with raw local honey also helps soothe a sore throat!
What are your favorite remedies to fight off cold and flu symptoms?