Thursday night was Beggars Night in our area! It was Monte’s first Halloween where he actually participated in trick or treating! I was a bit hesitate, not sure on how well he would do, but he did awesome!
Monte was all ready to go right at 6 pm! He grabbed his bucket and headed for the door!
We made sure to grab the other half of Monte’s costume … Elvis! They went as the Fox and Hound 🙂
The first few houses Monte did not understand the whole concept of walking up to a house, getting candy, then walking away? Finally, after a few houses he got the concept down! He even walked up to a few houses all on his own!
Sorry this picture is blurry! But, Elvis was not far behind making sure Monte was getting every house on street!
We also got playing in the leaves crossed off our 2013 Fall Bucket List along the way 🙂
After each house, when Monte would receive candy, I made sure to say thank you several times so he would catch on. My favorite part of the whole evening was when Monte said “thanks” to one house after he got candy! It made my heart melt 🙂
When we got home, Monte made sure to dump all his goodies out and sort through his haul!
Halloween and Beggars Night 2013 went down in the books as a huge success!
What did you kiddos go as for Halloween?