This weekend is the infamous “Tax Free Holiday” in Iowa. It is Friday and Saturday. It always falls perfectly with back to school shopping.
This is a great opportunity to save money on purchasing clothes, shoes, and some various school supplies.
It’s a bummer that not all school supplies are covered, BUT most stores have some awesome sales that make it worth getting ALL of your shopping done in one shot.
For a complete list of Tax Free Holiday items check it out here.
Monte is starting a 2-year old program this Fall and I am SUPER excited for him! It is every Friday for a few hours. It will be great for him to meet and interact with other kids. It will also be a great opprtunity for him to hear the word “no” from another authority figure besides myself and Travis.
Anyways, since that is starting in less then a month we were given a very short supply list which include things such as: watercolor paints, glue, kleenex, 3-ring binder, etc. Nothing too fancy.
I thought it was a good idea to take advantage of today’s Tax Free Holiday so I headed to Super Target to get these items and some other neccesities for the house.
I headed straight for the school supply section and man was it chaotic! I could barely get in and out of the aisles and most of the displays and aisles looked something like this …
I felt bad for the poor Target employee who was in charge of straightening and putting things back into their proper spots. You could tell he was getting easily annoyed when he would place something back, then turn around to find it all out of place again 🙁
When I was in school, I loved the beginning of the new year. I loved picking out new folders, pens, binders, crayons, etc. It was always so much fun to get new things and also to organize and sort things to get ready or the new year. (Remember I love to sort and organize!)
One cool thing I came across must evidentally be a new “trend” this year.
These tin boxes, that had Crayola displayed across them …
Displayed right above the tins were about 20 different boxes of titled crayons
They had Mermaid Shimmer which had a small amount of glitter in the color, Pink Princess which were pastel, girly colors and Dinosaur Roar. I even saw a pirate themed pack. They were all a pack of 8 crayons, so you could choose several packs of different varieties and keep them in your Crayola tin. I’m a bit jealous we didn’t have anything like that when I went to school!
Did you take advantage of the Tax Free Holiday?