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Fall Sensory Bin

I created such a fun activity bin for Monte … a Fall Sensory Bin!

He absolutely loves it and I absolutely love it because I love fall (if you had not heard).

Anyways, all of these items I picked up from the Dollar Store and Michaels. I also had quite a bit of these items already.

You can put whatever you want in your bin, but some things I included were: gourds, leaves, a fake little owl, mini pumpkins, basket filler, tall red feathered grass, acorns, and a sensory jar.

Some things you could add or use instead: hay, pine cones, wood chips, corn stalks, small scented tealight candles, etc. I almost did the candles for Monte, but I was concerned he would try to eat them instead.

We worked on our colors (red, yellow, brown, orange), touch (rough, crinkly, tickle, soft) and smelling certain items.

As mentioned above, I also made a sensory jar. Monte loved this! At Michaels, I found little glass pumpkins. I put a few of those and a leaf into the jar. I filled it about a third full with water and added 1/3 cup vegetable oil.

 The picture isn’t the greatest, sorry. But, the vegetable adds a really cool effect to the pumpkin beads when you shake it.

Overall, the bin was a hit! I definitely recommend for you to try it out!

What type of sensory bins have you made for your kiddos?