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Iowa Doula Agency: Iowa’s First Statewide Doula Resource!

If you have been following Midwest Mom & Wife, you know that I believe  it is very important to hire a doula!

Iowa Doula Agency

Living in Central Iowa, we are blessed to have many doulas available and the Iowa Doula Agency is Iowa’s first statewide doula resource.


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The Iowa Doula Agency’s (IDA) goal is to connect expecting parents with doulas that best fit their specific needs. It is important to know, that not one doula may be the perfect fit for every family. The IDA strives to help guide you and make the right choice for you.

Here are a few reasons why hiring a doula through the Iowa Doula Agency is best:

  1. Some women when they hear the word doula, feel that a doula is only needed if they plan to have an at home birth, an un-medicated birth , or cesarean birth. The IDA provide doulas for every type of birth. The doulas provided “are free of judgement and provide judgement-free birth information”.
  2. Reaching out and hiring a doula when you discover you are pregnant, can be the best thing for your pregnancy and birth. The doulas provided by the IDA provide evidence-based information. When you become pregnant you may not know what you want. A doula can help share all the information with you and you can work together to create the plan that best fits you.  At any point, your doula
  3. A doula encourages you to use inform consent throughout your pregnancy and birth. It’s important to remember you are in charge of your pregnancy and birth. Your doula is there to help make your voice heard.

Check out The Scope of Practice of doulas from the Iowa Doula Agency. This will give you a detailed explanation of what you can expect from your doula.

Another great benefit of hiring a doula from the IDA is you can get discounts and deals from local businesses including: Fadeaway Floatation Center, The Family Tree Yoga & Massage, Powerful Mamas, Basking Babies, Blessings Photography & Birth Services, and Balance Chiropractic & Wellness. After you contract with IDA, you will receive a welcome packet that has all the details!

Right now, IDA has seven contracted doulas! Check out their bios and introduction videos here.

Pricing varies on experience. The IDA provides a great chart, that breaks down price categories and descriptions of each category here.

Are YOU expecting and ready to hire a doula for you!?! Every second Monday of the month the IDA hosts a Meet the Doulas. This is a great opportunity to meet all the doulas, ask questions, and get more information!

Make sure you follow Iowa Doula Agency on Facebook!