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Tag: lattes

Keeping Busy and Upcoming Posts

There has been so much going on lately! And a lot of ideas are generating for posts. Here is a glimpse …

Starbucks has been my latest addiction! I cannot get enough of the Pumpkin Spice Latte and Salted Caramel Mochas! But, let me tell you, I’m definitely feeling it now 🙁

Of course, I’ve been spending time with this little nugget! Love him to pieces!

Ummm … I came across these amazingly, ridiculous chips! Check them out!

I’m doing some MAJOR research regarding the Paleo eating lifestyle. It’s looking more and more like I may give it a try! Keep your eyes out for my final decision and thoughts!

Mr. Monte and I are going to give sign language a try! Keep your eyes open on how well it works for us 🙂

A Fall Sensory bin is in the works! Keep your eyes open for the results and reaction!


AND last, but definitely not least, we have been spending time with our favorite Bassett Hound, Elvis!

Have a wonderful evening everyone!