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30 Days of Thankfulness

I cannot believe it’s November already! Halloween has came and went, and now we are all preparing our recipes and turkeys for Thanksgiving!

This time of year it’s easy for everyone to get consumed with shopping, and planning. I will admit I am one of these people! BUT we must not forget the importance of THANKS-giving! It’s time to give thanks for what we have and of course spend time with our wonderful families!

One blog I follow, Des Moines Moms Blog (if you do not follow, I highly recommend following ASAP!) is doing a 30 Days of Thankfulness. Rachel Verzani, one of the bloggers for the Des Moines Moms Blog, wrote the post and has extended out the invitiation for everyone to participate.

Not only is this a great thing to personally take apart in, it will also be a great thing to share with your kiddos. Monte isn’t at the age yet to understand the whole “giving thanks” concept, but for those who have older children, I definitely recommend getting involved!

Each day post on Facebook and/or Twitter one thing you are thankful for. It could be as simple as “being able to enjoy a Starbucks latte” 🙂 OR “thankful for my beautiful home”. Just think of one thing, post it and hashtag #thankfulDMmamas!

Also,  everyday I will post on my Facebook page, what I am thankful for! Go ahead share in the thread and hashtag there #thankfulDMmamas.

Happy November everyone!