Don’t forget to check the calendar on the right hand side! This is the last weekend for many Haunted Houses and might be your last chance to pick out a pumpkin to carve before Halloween! Check out my list of Orchards & Pumpkin Patches in the area!
1. Living History Farms – Family Halloween
When: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
What: If you did not check this out last weekend, you HAVE to check it out this weekend! We had so much fun when we visited. Do not miss out on trick or treating through the old town, horse drawn wagon rides, roasting marshmallows, pumpkin bowling, and more!
2. Blank Park Zoo – Night Eyes
When: Thursday & Friday 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm AND Saturday & Sunday 1 pm – 8 pm
What: Walk through Blank Park Zoo and trick or treat! The park will be decorated in various ways such as a spooky forest, pumpkin patch and a yellow brick road! Check out admission prices and more information on their website!
3. It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown – Bass Pro Shops
When: Now until the 31st – Weeknights 5 pm – 8 pm & Weekends 12 pm – 5 pm
Where and What: Located at the Bass Pro Shops in Altoona, bring your kid to the HUGE display of the Peanuts gang! Get a picture of your kiddo dressed in their costume and receive a FREE 4×6 photo. There is also trick or treating and a Halloween scavenger hunt on various days and times. Check out the Bass Pro Shop website for more details.
4. Scare – Us Hill Event
When: Friday 5 pm – 9 pm
Where and What: Dress your kiddos up and bring them to Terrace Hill! Trick or treat through the house, take a look at hundreds of carved pumpkins, and do some fun, spooky activities. Costumes are not required, but are encouraged. $3 tickets for children 3 and older, $5 for accompanied adults. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Check out the Terrace Hill site to register and for more information!
5. Fall Fun Night
When: Friday 6 pm – 9 pm
Where and What: Located at First Federated Church join a bunch of kiddos for face painting, games, petting zoo, candy, inflatables and more! Make sure to wear your costume. This is a FREE event, so do not miss it.
6. Court Avenue District Party
When: Friday 8 pm – Midnight
Where and What: Perfect date night, so find a sitter! Get dressed up in your costume and head down to the Court Avenue District. $5 wristbands will get you into participating bars and restaurants. There will also be a costume contest 9 pm – 1 pm with $2,500 in cash prizes! All proceeds will go to benefit the Historic Court District Association.
7. Downtown Farmers Market
When: Saturday 8 am – 12 pm
Where and What: This is the last downtown Farmers Market of the season! Make sure to get up, and go down to check out what fall produce they will have!
8. Spooky Science – Science Center of Iowa
When: Saturday ALL DAY
What: Wear your costume and trick or treat through out the building. There will be lots of science experiments going on to check it out! $11 for adults, $7 for kids, FREE for Science Center members.
9. Trick or Treat – Jasper Winery
When: Saturday 10 am – 6 pm
What: Find a babysitter for the kiddos and have a day date with your significant other! Drink wine at Jasper Winery! They are pairing wines with some of your favorite Halloween candy. “Hallowine” flights are $15 for 4 wines and treats.
10. Costume 5k Run/Walk
When: Saturday at 9 am
Where and What: Located in Carlisle come dressed up in your fun, Halloween costume! The proceeds from this event go towards building a new public library in Carlisle. Children 10 years and younger are FREE, $15 11-17 years of age, and $25 18 years and older. E-mail to register.
11. Whole Foods – Apple Fun!
When: Saturday 10 am – 3 pm
What: Get your grocery shopping done and spend your morning at Whole Foods! There will be Caramel Apple Dipping at 10 am and sample various apples through out the store starting at noon.
12. Fall Fun Frenzy
When: Saturday 2 pm – 4 pm
Where and What: Located at Lions Park, in Urbandale, dress the kiddos up in their costumes! Kiddos are welcomes Kindergarten through grade 5 with accompanied adult. There will be crafts, games, costume contest, prizes, and cookies & lemonade! Admission is a toiletry item for the Urbandale Food Pantry.
13. Trunk or Treat
When: Saturday at 7 pm
Where and What: Located at the Goodwill in Urbandale, there will be several trunks decked out for Halloween. Receive candy and do various activities. Make sure to wear your costume!
14. Spalloween Fundraiser
When: Tuesday 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Where and What: This event is for our furry friends! The East Village Spa is hosting this event and all proceeds go to benefit The Pet Project Midwest. There will be chair massages, nail polish application, mini facials, seasonal snacks, and more! The mini spa services will be $10-$15. FREE but donations are accepted.
15. East Village Spooky Paws Parade
When: Sunday Noon – 4 pm
Where and What: A fun parade for your four-legged friends. Dress up your critters in their costumes and make sure you dress up also! March through the streets of East Village and trick or treat at various participating businesses. This is a fun event for the entire family.
16. Pumpkin Walk
When: Sunday 2 pm – 4 pm
Where and What: Dress the kiddos up in their Halloween costumes and head to Valley Junction! Travel through Valley Junction and trick or treat. This is a FREE event, do not miss out!
Holiday events ALREADY!?!?
1. Holiday Bazaar
When: Saturday 9 am – 2 pm
Where and What: Located at the Grimes United Methodist Church, get some holiday shopping done early! There will be 40 vendors selling holiday decor, crafts and bake sale.
2. East Village Sunday Bazaar
When: Sunday Noon – 4 pm
Where and What: Did you miss the Holiday Bazaar Saturday? Here is a second chance! Located in the East Village, there will be decor, jewelry, furniture and food available. Get your Holiday shopping done early this year!