It’s Friday and I just have to share with you some random things, I’ve discovered this week, and have fallen in love with! 1. Crane Humidifiers Sunday night into Monday was a tough night for Monte. He was very congested and he slept like crap. I heard about these Crane humidifiers last year, but never …
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Essential Oils for Colds
Since we have talked about Elderberry Syrup and other alternatives to using over the counter medicines, let’s talk about another thing I LOVE … Essential Oils! Essential oils can be used for anything and everything, like cleaning and also to help us feel better. There are quite a few of essential oils out there to …
Clean with Thieves
Let’s talk about Thieves Essential Oil. You will learn quickly that I am a huge fan of essential oils for various things and various reasons. Today, I want to tell you about one of my favorite essential oil blend from Young Living Essential Oils, Thieves! Thieves is well known for its cleansing abilities and “is …